Product information
Amount | 1 |
Brand | Hardinge |
Type | T51 SP MSY ES LSC |
Year | 2019 |
Spindle bore: 51mm; X/Y/Z-axis travel: 197/88,90/635mm Maximum swing over way covers: 673mm Maximum machining diameter: 313,7mm Maximum spindel speed: 5000 rpm; Turret type: BMT 55; Amount of tool places (driven): 12 (12); Driven tool speed: 8.000 rpm Control system: Fanuc 31i; Total dimensions LxWxH: 3300x2200x2150mm
Additional information
The sale of these machines (ex. Big Kaiser Rümlang in Switzerland) is conducted in association with Assets For Sale ( The availability is subject to ongoing private treaty sales; now open for enquiries and offers via to project contact person Mr. Yves Ensing. A public viewing and on site ticket sale (meaning direct sales on site / no online bidding) is scheduled for Thursday May 15th from 10:00 to 15:00 (availability of machines subject to prior sales realizations).
Spindle bore: 51mm; X/Y/Z-axis travel: 197/88,90/635mm Maximum swing over way covers: 673mm Maximum machining diameter: 313,7mm Maximum spindel speed: 5000 rpm; Turret type: BMT 55; Amount of tool places (driven): 12 (12); Driven tool speed: 8.000 rpm Control system: Fanuc 31i; Total dimensions LxWxH: 3300x2200x2150mm