Anzahl | 1 |
Jahr | 2001 |
Marke | Kellenberger |
Seriennummer | 650519 |
Typ | KEL-VARIA RS175/1000 |
X/Z-axis Travel: 320/1.000mm B-axis capacity: -210° + 30° Distance between centers: 1.000mm Maximum part diameter: 175mm Weel diameter: 500mm Grinding speed: 2650 rpm Power: 10 kW Control system Heidenhain CNC 1830 M Machine weight: 5000 kg Equipped with: Streuli Paper filter, Fibaron oil mist filter, 10x grinding weel / hubs, tail stocks, documentation
Zusätzliche Informationen
The sale of these machines (ex. Big Kaiser Rümlang in Switzerland) is conducted in association with Assets For Sale ( The availability is subject to ongoing private treaty sales; now open for enquiries and offers via to project contact person Mr. Yves Ensing. A public viewing and on site ticket sale (meaning direct sales on site / no online bidding) is scheduled for Thursday May 15th from 10:00 to 15:00 (availability of machines subject to prior sales realizations).
X/Z-axis Travel: 320/1.000mm B-axis capacity: -210° + 30° Distance between centers: 1.000mm Maximum part diameter: 175mm Weel diameter: 500mm Grinding speed: 2650 rpm Power: 10 kW Control system Heidenhain CNC 1830 M Machine weight: 5000 kg Equipped with: Streuli Paper filter, Fibaron oil mist filter, 10x grinding weel / hubs, tail stocks, documentation